This lovely couple contacted me in early January, they live in Uganda. She is American and he is Ugandan and this was the biggest challenge for them to fulfill their dream of celebrate a wedding in Florence. Benjamin had to travel many times to Kampala to be able to receive his certificate of capacity . The process for Catherine was much easier as she could do all her paperwork here in Tuscany.
It also entailed many calls between them, their French wedding planner and myself, often over bad lines. They had so much difficulty in getting their paperwork from Uganda. When the certificate of capacity came through to Rome,too. My assistant had to travel to Rome in order to get it from the Ugandan embassy there. They issued an incorrect document and we had to request it to be done over twice!
Finally, after many troubles we received the third document and it was correct!
When they arrived in Italy, they went to the tribunal to obtain their first Atto Notoria. Then they get the document at the US embassy in Florence but that was easy. It was very important for Benjamin and Catherine that they receive their legal wedding certificate. In this way their union be recognised in both the United States and Africa. So, all of this effort was worth it for them to achieve this goal.
Once they had their Nulla Osta legalised, they were ready for their pre-verbal the following afternoon. The day after was the day of the wedding.
They finally pronounced their vows to each other with a lovely ceremony. They attended this moment on a sunny day in the beautiful Giardino Bardini in Florence, surrounded by their families from the US and Uganda. After so much effort to get all the documents (it really as a nightmare to get all of them), it truly was a joyful celebration of love! The couple moved then to the city center to take some picture. They went close to the River Arno and the carousel of Piazza della Libertà.
I really love this style and cannot be more happy to have worked again with Sebastian for this wedding in Florence!
[…] Sebastian Bonacchi, great job as always, sure you are enjoying much more taking wedding pictures in Uganda […]