Marry me in Tuscany, Federa Alberghi Siena & Siena Taxi

HewelinApril 7, 2011
Reading time: 4 minutes

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Marco Bianciardi who is the President of the Federa Alberghi Siena (A.S.A). with Gigi and Roberto from Siena Taxis, Roberto,who not only is a very good friend, is also the President of Siena Taxis, all in all three very good people to know!

As a hotelier Marco together with his sister Serena have successfully run the Hotel Athena in Siena for many years, he is passionate about his home city and very keen to promote Siena and the Province of Siena as the perfect place to stay and explore everything that Siena and the area has to offer, great art, beautiful buildings, wonderful food and wine and the Palio the famous horse race which is held twice a year on the 2nd of July and the 16th of August and of course a great location to hold your wedding.

There is nothing more spectacular than Piazza del Campo and as a backdrop for your wedding photos it's the perfect place to get married. For centuries there has been much rivalry between Siena and Florence but Marco summed it up beautifully, "Florence has the famous cathedral doors by Bruneschelli but Siena has the most amazing Piazza in the world!'

I know I may be biased as I live here but we both agreed that we get goosebumps when we go into the piazza as it is just so breathtakingly beautiful.  And I think you'll agree!

Piazza Del Campo Siena - Photo by Francesco Alias Photos

Marco and the members of the A.S.A. realize that organizing a wedding takes a lot of time and although the hotels are very keen to ensure their guests have a fabulous time during their stay and will do everything to ensure that guests make the most of the area and everything the hotels have to offer, he has decided that a collaboration between Marry me in Tuscany and the hotels would mean that couples getting married in Siena and the Province would have an all round professional service which is why the A.S.A will be promoting MMIT as their preferred wedding planner on their website,  a win win situation for everyone invloved.

Many couples that decide to get married in Siena often have their wedding location outside the walls in the beautiful Tuscan countryside but often suggest that their guests use Siena as a good base not only for the wedding ceremony but also so that they can socialize in the bars in the piazza and enjoy some of the wonderful food the restaurants here have to offer.

Siena is easy to get to by train from the major airports close by Pisa & Florence or you could take advantage of the special rates that Siena Taxi are offering to MMIT's clients for pre-booked transfers, they have also devised a system where you can buy taxi vouchers so that guests can use the taxi service at a discounted rate so that you are free to go to dinner and sample the local vino and return safely to your hotel late at night.

The A.S.A  has lots of different hotels that will appeal to all budgets and tastes, which is great when organizing a destination wedding when you also have to consider the budgets available to your guests that are travelling to be with you on your special day. By linking with the A.S.A there is a vast choice of different hotels in Siena and the surrounding area click here to see the hotels that are part of the Federa. With special rates and offers I'm sure you'll find something for everyone and who knows you may even find your wedding venue.

So after a very productive meeting I'm sure that you'll agree that together were making good positive steps to make Siena the No.1 wedding destination in Tuscany!

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