Now that the words Italy Covid wedding rules 2021 are on top of Google trends as research we still want to continue sharing some real love. This has always been our passion , to celebrate love and life with our couples.

And as weddings are still going on ( even if in a different way ) today I want to show you the last ceremony we had in Fall with Jo and Dave, an amazing couple from Uk.I was  recommended to them by a friend who got married in Tuscany a few years ago with me in the beautiful abbey of San Galgano

Now that the words Italy Covid wedding rules 2021 are on top of Google trends as research we still want to continue sharing some real love. This has always been our passion , to celebrate love and life with our couples.

And as weddings are still going on ( even if in a different way ) today I want to show you the last ceremony we had in Fall with Jo and Dave, an amazing couple from Uk.I was  recommended to them by a friend who got married in Tuscany a few years ago with me in the beautiful abbey of San Galgano

A dreamy Tuscany

As Jo works in the tourism and hotels management and Dave is a chef they started 2 years ago to plan their destination wedding. They came to Italy just before the Corona Virus pandemic started: were lucky enough to see a florist, meet 2 caterers and other suppliers! I remember that day with happiness as even if it was in February we had time to drive around Tuscany.

It was a sunny day and do the most important parts of the planning . Then a hard period came and  some of the guests had to cancel their stay but the day before they had flights booked. The PM said british citizens were allowed to fly to Italy and they finally landed in Pisa!

The first day was relaxing and a nice dinner at the venue with all the friends and family. The weather was mild enough to allow them to have a swim and enjoy a bit of the famous Tuscan sun! 

The following day Jo got ready in the upper floor of their suite.In the meanwhile all guests were relaxing in the garden while Elizabeth was taking pictures of them all. 

Ceremony in Corona Virus period

The symbolic ceremony was celebrated in the garden under a romantic wisteria roof. All people were waiting for the bride to walk down the steps when a few drops of rain started to fall!!! It was just a moment and very funny as the bride started walking a bit faster trying to arrive down the pergola for the most exciting moment without being totally wet!  It was just a moment and then the sun came back again and with the amazing landscape of the Borgo it was the perfect scenery for the pictures!

The party go on respecting Corona Virus rules!

I was trying to check the aperitif buffet and the beautiful flowers decoration but as it was getting closer to 1pm. We decided it was time for a 5 minutes break and I had a spritz cocktail with my assistant Rebecca and the caterer ( I think really deserved it after all this period spent planning against Corona Virus and rules and laws changing every now and then!! ;-))))

If you want to know about rules you can see that they were all seated with more than a meter distance, (unless those who were family, of course….) and were wearing face masks when indoor. The venue gave us hand sanitizer and the guests brought some more from home, just in case there was not enough here  

The only negative point was all the stress we had before. They came here as we didn’t know if they were able to fly, or even to stay in Italy without having to quarantine once back home. But apart from this all the guests were so happy to be able to visit Italy and taste the food and wine that they offend during their stay!

Italian taste during wedding reception

They had a great lunch with a huge buffet of aperitivi as well as many cocktails and white wine, a first course of  macaroni short pasta with pecorino cheese, figs and rocket.and an. incredible Lemon risotto with chives herb, one of my favorite dishes!! The main course was a delicious Chianina beef fillet in Wellington crust even if some guests opted for a beef fillet in Wellington crust paired with some veggies and potatoes.

After cutting the millefoglie wedding cake the bride decided it was time for a dress change and decided to  go for a sequin outfit to get the party started.

I was home when Rebecca sent me some pics of the bar decoration and the guests having fun and dancing all together with the children. The day ended with an amazing landscape covered in pink and orange like the cocktails poured in the glasses.
And it was also when I realized that we did the right thing, always respecting rules to protect the health of all the people, the guests and the workers. We were able to create a day that will last in their memories forever. 

Hope you like my post and if you want to see more pics about the venue here is  a link to their website:

All the pictures in this post were taken from the super talented Elizabeth Armitage, an English girl living in Tuscany and the caterer is Class Ricevimenti . The gorgeous flowers you can see displayed were created by Bianchi Fiori, Poggibonsi.

See you on the next post about a wedding in Tuscany !!!

British wedding in Tuscany

To all of these reading this blog, surely you were looking for some advice on how to plan your wedding in Tuscany day since months. But now…well, let’ s say that we are all postponing our plans….. only for a few months! Here in Italy we’ve been hitten in a hard way by this virus so what I really want to do now that I have some time to spend at home is reading and thinking about how to organize ( if possible) nicer events than these  I’ve planned last year and how to continue doing it in the future.

As I got plenty of time to browse all my favorite websites like SMP,  Rock my wedding, my own Pinterest board to get some inspiration I already know it will be not so difficult. Give me one more month and I’ll be as busy as always planning visits to new venues for my couples and new magical weddings!  I was just looking for some pictures to show on IG and I found these of a lovely day about last July.

K & L’s wedding in Tuscany

When I got the first contact from K&L was exactly the opposite of today : they wrote me 2 years before their wedding date as they got my contact from a venue owner that was not able to help their big group. I was in the middle of a hot wedding season and I felt so bad and I couldn’t go with them to visit venues….. I started thinking on how to help this young couple when my assistant Rebecca called me to offer support and drive them around Tuscany. After 2 days visiting venue they found the one who touched their hearts and decided to sign a contract with both, the venue and me. It was a long distance planning even if they came back twice to Tuscany to select suppliers and do food tastings. There were many different moments during the three days they stayed at Le Filigare. 

Everything started  the first day with a Tea Ceremony: having the groom asian origins their parents wanted to follow the tradition with a typical tea ceremony. During this rite the couple offers some presents to the parents that in this way allow them to get married and wish good luck for their new life as a married couple.

On the wedding day, after breakfast it all started with hotel preparation of bride and groom party in two different apartments. The sun was really hot so, as the ceremony was held on the top of a hill,  they decided to postpone it. They had the blessing at 5pm. Just after the ceremony drinks and some canapés where served by the pool. In the meanwhile Britpops were singing some songs for us. As the sun was no more scorching we decided it was time to move to the upper part of the farmhouse. A nicely decorated green and white table was waiting for welcoming us.

The newlyweds carefully selected each dish of their wedding dinner. To be honest when I sat down and had the first bite of tagliolini with black truffle I couldn’t think to anything else than this delicious pasta!
A great beef fillet was following and when the wedding cake arrived it was spectacular. A show cooking for traditional Italian millefoglie decorated with figs and olive leaves , to die for!  I’m sure all guests loved it as there were just a few pieces left that were brought upstairs were the party started.

A funny and memorable party

Britpops began the show as well as Alberto and his mate were serving nonstop drinks. Look at the nice cutie 500 Fiat they received as present from the open bar company ! It was a magical night and I didn’t want to leave but another hard day of planning was waiting so I had to stay goodbye to this magical place wishing to get back very soon!

To all of you still thinking about a nice wedding in Tuscany: have a look at these pictures: they really share the feeling of relax and amusement they had in these days and hop they convince all of you there reading to drop me a few lines despite the hard moment we’re in!


Venue: Le Filigare

Pictures:Ar J Photo 

Flowers: Agriflor 

Celebrant: Sofia from Tuscan Pledges 

Catering service: Le Cirque 

I was having a coffee in a bar with a friend. A&A called me to help planning their amazing wedding in Siena. They announce to me: Hey, we’re in Siena, will you be available to meet us tomorrow and discuss about our plans? Why not… I thought. December is quite a relaxing month for us wedding planners so let’s meet this young couple. They already found a great villa to host all  their closer guests  and the caterer. It  was well organized as they had a specific idea of  the dishes they wanted for their wedding dinner.

The bridal party and closer family stayed in the suites of the villa. In the meanwhile all the friends were getting ready in the other apartments. Close to the wedding hour, when we had already half of the table prepared for dinner something unexpected happened! It started raining and we had to run taking off all brass chandeliers from the table not to break them!!

The villa had a big ballroom that we could have used for the dinner but we waited a bit. At the end we decided to  delay the ceremony for an hour, to give time to waiters to rearrange for the dinner. The villa has two lovely gardens and lots of green woods and areas all around. In fact we decided to move the ceremony to the garden on the back part of the villa. It was a touching ceremony where the mom of the bride made a reading who touched the hearth of all the guests.

After the wedding ceremony people moved to the gate entrance for some group pictures and the aperitif finally started. Waiters served Spritz ( italian cocktail made with white wine and Aperol liquor) and bubbles to keep guests entertained until the dinner time.

While bride and groom were talking pictures with Carmela  and Sissi I tried to rearrange the decoration with Agriflor girls that were always there to grant the best service possible even with that horrible weather!

So the choice was on Delizia Ricevimenti where I met the lovely Giulia. She helped me throughout the planning and the choice of food and drinks.

The villa has a romantic Italian garden with fountains where we decided to have a small “smoking corner”. It was made with umbrellas and white rattan sofas. All items for decoration and dancing area were rented from Toscana Noleggio.

When dinner time came Bride and Groom made their first speech as a married couple. They stayed under a pergola of wisteria perfectly decorated with fresh flowers. The delicious dishes served where a mix of caribbean and italian cuisine, with a touch of spicy in all of them. Guests tasted ravioli, chicken and a chocolate dessert to die for! The wedding cake was covered with white cream and flowers. Obviously it matched the style of all decorations.

It was only a few seconds after they cut the cake that the party starts. The Dj coming from outside already started playing music!

As soon as he called the Bride and groom everybody started dancing under the fairy lights that were set up by Central house in the swimming pool area.
It was a long night full of music and laughs. Despite the weather that hadn’t been exactly a summer one we had a lot of fun with them and Im sure A&A will remember their amazing wedding in Siena forever!

A fairy tale wedding in a Chianti castle

Last wedding season has been really amazing! Lots of new venues, bigger weddings, lots of menu tastings. But above all my first experience in a real medieval castle in the Chianti. I already had the opportunity to visit many castles in the surroundings but the Chianti is definitely my favorite region. I always wanted to have a wedding there. So, Sophie and Wulfric came to Italy and made their decision for this venue. I was more than happy to start the planning project!

People were coming from all around the world so it was a good opportunity to show how weddings are! The night before all the guests had a pizza party in the pic-nic area of the castle. This moment gave the opportunity to know each other better.

The following day when I arrived to the venue everybody was already preparing for the big event. Table plan, flowers and even the bride’s brother watching at the last smaller spot on the bride’s car.

Sophie and her bridesmaids got dressed in the Bridal suite on the ground floor. No plugs were provided for the hair dresser so I had to send one of my colleagues to buy 3. Fortunately the closest village was just 5 kilometers driving!!! No panic, all the girls were ready for the big moment. When Sophie wore her Caroline Castigliano gown she really looked like a princess. The dress was made with white lace and had a long veil all around.
The ceremony took place on the highest hill overlooking the Castle.
Then the guests walked downhill the pebble road “under the real Tuscan sun” !!!

Reception in a wedding castle

The aperitif was organized in the herb garden. Everybody had the chance to taste any kind of appetizers paired with wines from all around Italy. The string quartet continued playing despite the July sun when temperatures arrived until 42°.. Tough guys!!

After several pictures and drinks all the guests moved to the main courtyard of the castle were the tables were set for dinner.
A typical tuscan menu chosen by the bride and groom with dishes suitable also for their vegetarian guests. But the best moment of the dinner was having the chef preparing the wedding cake in front of guests.A real millefoglie with cream and fruits done express for Sophie and Wulfric.
Then Andrea Dj helped us dancing the night away and after a few hours taxis and vans came to collect the last guests who were still dancing…

When I arrived at my hotel’s door I had real problems seeing the hole where to put the key.But the cat of the hotel came and started scratching to the door that was incredibly open.. I fall asleep as soon as I reached the bed. When I woke up I realized that the wedding was the day before as soon as I saw the big bunch of flowers the happy couple gave me the night before to say thanks for my help….I slept with it on my bed!!

I always leave Chianti hills with a little bit of sorrow. Remembering the period when I was living here but now I’m really happy because I know I helped another couple to realize their dream of getting married in an amazing place: Tuscany!

If  you want here you can see a trailer of their Wedding video. Hope you enjoy watching it as I did and  thanks to Fulvio Greco Films and James Allan  for the great video and pictures!!

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